Technology Zone Ordinance

Town of Front Royal Municipal Code

Technology Zone (Amended 2009)

Technology Zone

The purpose of the technology zone is to foster high quality job creation and investment by technology related businesses and to grow this important business sector in Front Royal and Warren County.  

 Qualifying businesses include those businesses that engage in computer software, hardware or telecommunication sales, leases, licenses, services for which computers or telecommunications are used to provide sales, leases, licensing or services directly to the customer. Such businesses include but are not limited to the following:

Electronic information operations and providers, internet service providers, software design and development, computer and peripherals sales or assembly, content developers., internet-based sales and service, hardware design, manufacture, assembly and development, telecommunications-based video service providers, outbound or inbound call centers, telecommunications equipment manufacturing, assembly or service.

To qualify for the benefits of the Technology Zone, a business must create two full-time jobs paying a minimum of 2.0 times the minimum wage plus a health and benefit plan valued equal to at least 10% of the base wage.  

The minimum investment is $10,000 in improvements, equipment or machinery. Inventory does not count toward minimum investment. Notwithstanding the preceding, the minimum investment within the Downtown Technology Zone shall be $3,000.

Zone Benefits

Zone Benefits on eCode

Permit fee grants
The Economic Development Authority shall provide cash reimbursements for the following local permits and fees up to a maximum cumulative value of $500 for qualified technology zone businesses, provided that the technology business’ application for reimbursement is filed with the Economic Development Authority within the first 12 months of operation within the zone.

Technology zone application fees

  • Building, plumbing, electrical and mechanical permit fees (Warren County).
  • Zoning permit fees (Warren County).
  • Subdivision application fees (Warren County).
  • Business professional and occupational license taxes credit.

Cash grants
Qualified technology businesses may be eligible for annual cash grants to be determined on a case-by-case basis by the County of Warren and Town of Front Royal during the negotiation process based on job creation and investment. A minimum of 10 full-time jobs paying at least 2.0 times the minimum wage and benefits as noted above and a minimum investment of $10,000 shall be required to be eligible for cash grants. Notwithstanding the preceding, in the Downtown Technology Zone a minimum of three such full-time jobs and a minimum investment of $3,000 shall be required to be eligible for cash grants.

All Warren County benefits are limited to that portion of the business enterprise created and maintained for and qualified under this technology zone program.

Each qualified technology business applying for benefits in the Technology Zone Program will execute a contract with the Economic Development Authority and the County of Warren that will detail the specific terms and conditions of the technology business’ participation in the program. This contract must be fully executed prior to award of any program benefits.

Table of Contents, & comprehensive information for local incentives 

Technology Zone Application

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